International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

International Day,

of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

is the name of a day.

People should remember that:

  • children are fighting in wars
  • children are being killed in wars

on the picture you see a Soldier carries a child

Words with same meaningsEdit

Children Victims Day

UN Resolution E-7/8

Detailed explanationEdit

In the year 1982 the United Nations had ​​a meeting.

The subject was:

  • Palestine

Content of the meeting:

They talkted about the children,

who die in war.

The war between Palestine and Israel.

They should have a day of remembrance.

On June 4th will be that day.

The day should be every year.

People should remember that children be abused.

Physically, emotionally and emotional.

This means that:

  • children suffer in war

It is forbidden that children become soldiers.

People must be at least 18 years old.

Only then they may become soldiers.

It is a war crime, when soldiers are younger.

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