Islamic State (group)

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Islamic State is a group of many people.

They would like to create a different kind of politics in many countries.

The group claims an independent state for many territories.

They would like to have their own country.

To get all this,

the group make terror.

They threat or punish other people.

And they kill other people.

The group was started in the year 2003.

The short word for the Islamic State is ISIL or ISIS.

This article need a picture

Words with same meanings

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

Al qaeda in iraq




Detailed explanation

The ISIL is an extremist group.

ISIL want to have an own land.

In many countries the ISIL fight many battles.

They fight in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Nigeria.

They try to get more land.

The ISIL was started in Iraq.

They came together during the Iraq War.

ISIL has over 10.000 members.

They threatening other people.

They are hurting other people.

They are punishing other people.

They are killing other people.

They take away people's things.

They are forcing people to do things.

ISIL shows their terrible doings in photos and videos.

They want that other people get scared of the group.

Other groups are joining ISIL.

Because they think that ISIL can help them.

Some people want to belong to the IS group.

ISIL kill people by purpose.

For example:

ISIL exists now in many countries.

In Iraq and Syria they have many members.

They fight on many wars in Iraq and Syria.

For example the Syrian Civil War.

Nobody knows exactly the leader of ISIL.

Most people think it is a man from Iraq.

He is called Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

He wants to be a caliph.

ISIL has lot of money.

They take away other people's stuff,

like money or houses.

ISIL kidnapping people and demand ransom.

They force women to prostitution.

Many countries would like to stop ISIL.

Countries are fighting ISIL.

Countries work together with other groups.

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