San Bernadino shooting
The San Bernadino shooting was on December 2 in 2015.
2 shooters attacked other people.
A men and a women attacked others with shooting.
The 2 of them killed 14 people.
A lot of people were wounded.
The shooting was in San Bernardino, California.
Words with same meanings[edit | edit source]
2015 San Bernadino shooting
San bernardino mass shooting
2015 San Bernardino mass shooting
California shooting
2015 San Bernardino Terrorist Attack
2015 San Bernardino attack
Detailed explanation[edit | edit source]
The 2 shooters targeted a holiday party.
The name of the women ist Tashfeen Malik.
The name of the men ist Syed Farook.
They have a daughter.
The 2 shooters wore bulletproof vests.
Both of them wore a small video camera.
The San Bernadino shooting was a mass shooting.
Police say it was a terrorist attack.
The women and the men could be part of ISIS.
Syed Farook came as an employee to the party.
After the shooting the couple fled.
They left with an SUV car.
The police catched Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik.
The shooters and the police had a gun·fight.
In the gun·fight the police killed the shooters.
After the event, 16 people are dead.
And 21 people were injured.
The police evacuated the house where the office Christmas party took place.
The people were secured by the police.
The people were brought out of the house.
The woman and man also hide a bomb in the house.
The bomb did not detonate.
After the shooting people say:
there must be better gun laws.